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BLOODY BIG BATTLES - INDIA! The major states of India, especially the Maratha Confederacy and the Sikh state in the Punjab, were among the most redoubtable opponents of the extension of British power in the sub-continent. The size and technological sophistication of their forces posed major problems for East India Company commanders in the field and frequently threatened them with defeat. BBBI lets you refight sixteen of the most important battles of the period from the Second Maratha War (1803-1806) to the Sepoy Uprising (‘Indian Mutiny’) of 1857-1858. This collection gives you: • The battles where Wellington made his name! • A wide range of terrain and tactical situations! • Balanced scenarios with asymmetrical armies! • Unusual troops – Gurkhas, camel rockets, ghazis! • An engaging game of constant decision-making! • Battles you can fight to the finish in an evening! Many also offer scenario options to explore ‘what-ifs’ and increase replay value. Campaign options allow players to link battles so that each has consequences for the next.