We are thrilled to debut our 12th and long-awaited title, Fistful of Lead: Bigger Battles.
What our Core Rules are to skirmish level wargaming, Bigger Battles is for large scale wargaming. The beloved Fistful of Lead card mechanics are still there to drive the action, but now each card controls a unit, rather than one soldier. How many units, you ask? How many cards are in a deck, my friend? Yep. You can play 52 units on a table! That is a bigger battle.
In most games, each player can control up to 5-6 units and their Commanders and Heroes without much trouble. Games can have up to 8 players without slowing down the game. Now, you can dig out all your old miniatures gathering dust and have a game ready to go in a few minutes.
Experienced wargamers and new players alike will enjoy this game. Bigger Battles is perfect for convention games and just one-on-one contests.
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