"Huns In The Sun" is
a set of rules for aerial combat in the First World War. The basic
mechanisms are similar to those used in our companion set for World War
Two, "Day Of Eagles",
although of course the very different conditions of air fighting in the
earlier conflict require a change of emphasis in many respects. Like "Day Of Eagles",
though, this is an attempt to achieve a practical compromise between
historical accuracy and the requirements of a playable and enjoyable
game which flows smoothly, can be played to a finish in a reasonable
time, and does not entail too much poring over charts. In
this game we are dealing with fairly small forces, and we can assume
that each model represents one real aircraft. Each player takes command
of a unit, which will normally consist of between 2 and 6 machines,
though occasionally a single roving ace or patrol aircraft may
constitute a unit on its own. Each unit should have a designated leader.
We set no upper limit to the number of players or units you can have on
each side (though of course if you have too many people involved it
will tend to slow down the game), and it is not necessary for both sides
to have the same number. What will you need?